Leo Ieiri – 20 [album review]

Cover 20 is Leo Ieiri’s 3rd album and rightfully titled as well as she just turned 20 or 二十歳 last December. I quite enjoyed a boy (2nd album) and thought it was an improvement from her debut. Personally, when I listened to her debut LEO, I was disappointed because there was a stark difference between her singles and album tracks. While the singles were brilliant, the rest just fell all over the place and couldn’t interest me enough. That convinced me she was a single’s singer only, back then. a boy came along which obviously displayed maturity and better quality songs overall. So now that 20 is out, how will this fare?

miss you kicks off acoustically as Leo croons ‘Just wait for you, for you, I’m still in love with you’. It’s the first single off the record, a mid-tempo tune about as the title clearly suggests, missing somebody. This is typical Leo song so no surprises here. Overall, I like this, it’s not incredibly memorable but definitely a grower.

little blue is another similar mid-tempo and I prefer this track over miss you because everything just feels slightly more poignant. The verses are especially good and while it lacks the heavier bridge present in miss you, it compensates with acoustic, which sounds equally wonderful, if not, better. Personally, this is more of my type of song.

Silly served as the theme song for N no Tame ni drama, if you missed it, give it a try as I believe it was one of the best last season. I’d call this the ballad of the album. Three tracks in and I’m already feeling mellow, a lot. I’m beginning to wonder if she was warping herself in some sappy love life during the making of this album or the coming of age had somehow made her emotional? (kidding) I think I read somewhere she wrote this song with N no Tame ni’s characters in mind or something. So the lyrics sort of fit the drama. Having listened to this countless times when I watched the drama, I’m still not tired of it, instead, I’ve come to love it even more, especially if you have the characters in your mind.

Finally, something to break the chain of meltdown. This next track, lost in the dream is a light-hearted mid-tempo, at least it’s not as sad or depressed as the previous tracks. The drums and acoustic breakdown in the bridge is worth noting. I do like her slight playfulness with this song.

Now we’re picking up more pace with Kokoro no Katachi~Another Story~. There’s the original version in the Bless You single. I prefer this new one. The original has a more acoustic-feel while this revamped version has additional instruments, notably the background strings that gives it a fuller sound. It’s also slightly heavier. I love how it gives you a sense of infinity, must be the work of the echoing riffs. I love those.

TWO HEARTS is the first ‘cheerful’, upbeat and fun track after a slew of midtempo ballads. Nothing much to say about it though. For you makes a return to the first half of mellow tune accompanied with strings and piano. She sounds lovely in this, soft and yearning. Rock tune Junjou was the ending theme for Dragon Ball Kai. She sings with attitude. I’m not really feeling this because I was expecting something like Shine or Message (with explosive choruses). Junjou doesn’t deliver the kind of impact like those songs.

Still starts with echoes of Ahh Ahh that immediately melts my heart. This is my second favourite ballad after Silly. Everything sounds perfect I have nothing to complain. Love & hate is probably the alien of this group of songs, it’s quite unique because at one point it’s got like jazz piano, acoustic guitar plucking and groovy. Yuuki no Shirushi is like Junjou, upbeat, fast, fun and you get to hear her sing with more attitude them growls (well sorta). She also got to showcase different ranges of singing, strong vocals going to falsetto and I’m just curious whether she did that yee haw shrill?! Last song is another gorgeous piano ballad. Her soft vocals are great, as usual and the piano/violins gives me all the feeelsss. It’s also the shortest track but it just ends so beautifully!

 So do I like this more than her previous albums? Hell yes! While I miss some of her powerful singles like Shine, Message and Kimi no Todoke I feel this album is more intact and she knows exactly what she wants. Of course, like I mentioned, 20 is overloaded with emotional sad songs and I’d say she can release a Best of Ballads already with this collection. But you see, at least the ballads and mid-tempos in 20 are actually good and not half-assed. Also, unlike the previous albums, I didn’t feel the urge to skip any songs. LEO made me skip quite a number and there were only about 2-3 tracks in a boy. None for this one so that proves that most, if not all, are at least bearable and above your average kind of tracks (personally). I do wish she would experiment and venture into new things but the most out of place track I can point out in 20 is love & hate only. People who are not into mid-tempo ballads or slower songs might find this album a bore (but trust me it’s not!). Some of her best ballads are in here, you don’t have to look far. They’re up there with Kimi Dake and I hold this song very highly.

I’m glad this album is better than I expected. That said, totally looking forward to her future works. I’m not entirely sure though how many songs she composed herself in this album, I know she wrote (all or most of them?). *Did a quick check* She didn’t seem to compose for this, but wrote/co-wrote all of the songs. Well, maybe next time.

Score: 8.5/10 Highlights: Silly, Kokoro no Katachi~Another Story~, Still, Last Song, love & hate.

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