MONKEY MAJIK – Colour by Number [review]


Beautiful – This was released a while ago and when I first heard it, I liked it already. As with much of Monkey Majik’s music, it’s inspiring and uplifting. Well, I guess any song with lyric that goes ‘Life is beautiful’ probably will fall in the same category. I quite like the progression of the track and the ‘yay ee yay ee yay’ parts. Gotta chase your dreams, that was how I felt when I listened to it. It’s a relatively short song too with just over 3 minutes.

Frozen – It says Japanese version for this track, but I don’t know about the English version, I probably will have to hunt for it. Anyways, as I’m very accustomed to their musical style that mixes both languages I’m just fine with either language to be honest. If there’s one thing to point out about this song, it’s the flute-like instruments that they used in some parts of the songs, it really reminds me of Irish music? I wish the bridge was nicer though but it’s still a great song nonetheless.

Crazy – This does feel like a Western pop (sung fully in English). Not really my type of music so I’m not feeling it. It’s groovy and slightly jazzy, some saxophones with clapping. I appreciate the use of them sexy saxophones though during the bridge, it’s different and refreshing.

PHONE CALL – They fused some electronica in the verses and to be honest, I really won’t mind if they decided to go that route for some songs if they wish to. I know some people are turned down when their favorite bands go all EDM and preferred them to stay with rock, I’m open to experimental sounds. Well they didn’t go EDM for this song, I’d call it’s still very much a pop/rock tune with a tinge of electronica. This track though felt like a filler. Another track sung in English.

Puzzle – This is probably my favorite tune of the record. Blaise sang this by himself by the way. It’s such a beautiful song, again, those flute-like instrument in the background, just adds to the emotion. I nearly teared up! I think it’s basically about finding the missing pieces in your heart/life in general to make sense of what’s the purpose of your life? It’s subjective but it’s so touching if you really think about it. Not just about love or romance but bigger things.

Calling Heaven – I’m not entirely fond of the chorus, I thought it was kinda too forceful. Blaise’s vocals sound kinda strained too. It’s a typical sound for the band and so there’s really nothing much to say.

rise – This is slightly better. The melody is more catchy and at a slightly different pace plus they made use of guitar riffs during the bridge. Could’ve been better though but I like the more edgy guitar sound towards the end.

Miracle – Monkey Majik’s ballads are mostly great, if not, definitely above average. In that sense, I find myself never disappointed by their ballads for some reason, much like how I feel about Do As Infinity’s as well. Although this is not their best, it’s still up there. The verses are better than the chorus though.

You Are Not Alone – If I’m not mistaken, this was the first promotional single for this album? It’s definitely fitting, another inspiring track. I quite like the rapping section in English, it’s powerful. Full of hope and I think when you’re having a bad day, try listening to this, it might just make you feel better.

夏の情事/Natsu no Jouji – This is a collaboration with Yoshida Brothers (this is not the first time they worked together). The Okinawan musical style is very nice, I love them. It’s got this very oriental-ish feel. That breakdown with sanshin (sorta like banjo) was great!

Walk with me– As the final track, the use of some strings in the intro was nice. This is my second favorite track, it’s got this choir singing in the end which just made me feel so uplifted.

Score: 8/10

Highlights: Puzzle, Walk with me, Beautiful, You Are Not Alone

Overall, I feel this album slightly lacking. I appreciate some of the diverse sounds they managed to incorporate, for example, including Yoshida Brothers because that Okinawan sanshin is awesome and some choir-singing in Walk with me is beautiful. However, there’s also a nagging feel that this album is on the safer side. They did experiment with some tracks but they didn’t go all the way and that felt as if hanging in the air, not quite there. I think I prefer DNA over this album but Colour by Number still holds its own pretty well. Fans will not be disappointed, I just wish they’d do something totally different and innovative. Either way, they still shine in what they do best, that is producing inspirational songs that moved our hearts.

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